

Through Creative Life and Other Fancies, I seek to inspire and inform people about living as a creative person. Here you will find my successes, failure, and best of all, attempts. Enjoy!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Wanna sneak peek at a new pilot?

OK so you may have actually already seen it but ABC has got at least one new ridiculously creative series coming up this fall.  If you haven't heard of "Once Upon a Time", you should probably look it up.  Seriously.  Released on your TV screen by the creative minds of Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis (ever heard of a little show called "Lost"?), get ready for ever after as fairy tale meets modern world.

There are evil queens, enchanted forests, and princesses but they don't know it.  Oh my!  Locked into a town called Storybrooke, the cast of characters have forgotten who they are and the only one who can save them is modern world gal Emma Stone.  Now it's actually more complicated than that with a long lost son and a curse involved but you can read the press release as well as I can to get the deets.

So why am I excited for this?  My nearest and dearest know that I'm a sucker for fantasy shows that take me into other worlds than this.  If someone (please) made The Dark Tower books into a long running series, I'd be right there, signing up to play Susan Delgado--hint, hint Mr. King.  Or barring that, tuning in each week to be transported away.  I love well thought out universes which is probably why I still watch shows like Buffy, Angel, and the X-Files with rapt attention.  And "Once Upon a Time", on a first sneak peek basis, seems to have that level of attention to detail.  

More than that, I'm curious to know if it makes me think a little.  "Lost" certainly did, despite my less-than-enthusiastic reaction to the finale. I want my brain to be twisted a bit between episodes.  That is what makes me talk about a series.  I mean, really talk about a series, not just wonder what the hell they were thinking.  Anyone remember the feeling when Dawn suddenly appeared on Buffy?  I loved that and I'm hoping that the deliberate mash up of storybook epic weirdness and the hum drum of everyday will do the same for "Once Upon a Time".

And besides all of the above?  I love most of what Robert Carlyle does.  He freaked me out as Hitler and made me giggle as a male stripper (or wanna be male stripper).  So seeing him as Rumplestiltskin?  Yeah, sign me up for that.

So check out the trailer for the pilot and let me know what you think!  I promise I don't have any evil cider here if I don't agree with your opinion.  I save my evil for other things, remember?

Happy creating and ever after!

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