

Through Creative Life and Other Fancies, I seek to inspire and inform people about living as a creative person. Here you will find my successes, failure, and best of all, attempts. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Focus, grasshopper

It can be hard sometimes working in this industry.  It's an image-based, first impressions only, and who you know mine field.  You never know who is going to be the "Next Big Thing" so most people run around focusing on everything and everyone.  Me?  I prefer the focused long haul strategy.  

And what exactly does that mean, you ask?  Well, first I write down my goals every month or two.  Those goals are divided up into short term and long term.  I use the short term, can-be-accomplished-quickly goals as stepping stones to the larger ones.  And crossing them off the list just feels good.

Then I post copies of those goals where I can see them everyday.  And since I believe in team work, I then send them to my agent who lends her considerable talent and hard work to help me achieve them.

And every once and awhile, when I feel like things aren't going as quickly as I want, I pull out my old goal sheets and look at what I've accomplished in the last few years.  And guess what?  I've done basically everything I said I would.  How's that for focus?

Start your own tracking system and see what happens!

Happy creating!

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